ION (The Institute of Navigation)
IUGG (The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
IAG (The International Association of Geodesy)
SDCM (Russian system of differentional correction and monitoring)
ROI_PAC (Repeat Orbit Interferometry PACkage)
RoiView (An alternative for MDX/DGX software for viewing ROI-PAC interferometry processing results)
Free and Open Source GIS Ramblings (Working with free and open source geographic information systems)
Autodesk Labs (Try Autodesk© free technology previews)
CartoTalk (A Public Forum for Cartography and Design)
Free Cartography Tools (Exploring the world of free tools for GIS, GPS, Google Earth, neogeography, and more)
Université Laval (Département des sciences géomatiques, Centre de recherche en géomatique)
University of New Brunswick (Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering)
Artificial Satellites (Journal of Planetary Geodesy)
Directions Magazine
Earth Magazine
Journal of Geodesy
Journal of Geodetic Science
Journal of Geophysical Research (Solid Earth )
Journal of Surveying Engineering
GIM International
GPS Solutions
GPS World
Inside GNSS
OSGeo Journal
Point of Beginning
Positioning (formally Journal of Global Positioning Systems)
Survey Review
Coastline extractor (from National Geophysical Data Centre of NOAA)
ETOPO2v2 (2-Minute Gridded Global Relief Data)
GEODAS Grid Translator (from National Geophysical Data Centre of NOAA)
GLOVIZ (USGS Global Visualization Viewer)
Seamless Data Warehouse (from USGS)
USGS/EROS Find data
Bernese GPS Software (a high performance, high accuracy, and highly flexible reference GPS/GLONASS post processing package)
CATS (Geophysical Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) Time Series Analysis Software)
Copan for Windows (for computing and managing plane land survey coordinates)
DraftSight (a Free CAD software)
GAPS (GPS Analysis and Positioning Software)
GMTSAR (an InSAR processing system based on GMT)
GPS TrackMaker (a communication program to connect GPS to PC)
GRASS GIS (GIS software for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics/maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization)
HYPACK (Windows-based software for the hydrographic and dredging industry)
JMicroVision (a User-friendly software for analyzing large images)
Opticks (a free and open source expandable remote sensing and imagery analysis software platform)
P3 (a software package for Precise Point Positioning)
Quantum GIS (a user friendly Open Source GIS software)
RoiView (Explore InSAR data and more)
SAGA (a Free Open Source GIS Software)
TIMESAT (A software package for analysing time-series of satellite sensor data)
Online Services
A Glossary of GPS Terms
GPS Date Converter
On-line PPP services
OPUS (Online Positioning User Service)
Springer Exemplar (how a particular term or phrase is used in scientific literature)
The precise point positioning software centre